

Friday, September 23, 2011

Happy Half Bday to my little man!!

On Wednesday my little Liam was 18 months old! my ohh my where does the time go! Less than six months and he will have another birthday to celebrate.

Liam is learning soo much every day 

When asked (and sometimes just when he wants to) he can show you where his head, ears, eyes, tongue, belly, butt, fingers and toes, are. 
His baby signs have increased, and he's been able to communicate with me more through signing which I absolutely adore! It has even helped to strengthen his vocabulary. (this momma is a firm believer in Baby signing) Liam says about 30ish words now :) And he is learning more all the time
These are just all that I can think of off the top of my head 

Nana( Banana)
RyRy(Reilly--our dog)
Night night
Bye bye

Liam's favorite things to do are to ride around on his dump truck or his thomas the train. Play with his cars and trucks and the car garage. Look at books. I rearranged his room 2 weeks ago and we took out the rocking chair and changing table so I was able to put a small book case in and he now has a little reading area with a blanket and pillows. He likes to sit there and look at the books and point to things that he knows. He also loves to follow his sister around and try to do everything that she is doing. He misses her while she is at school but I can tell he enjoys the time we have. He is less clingy to mommy when we get some good one on one play time in each day. 

Sept 21st- 18 months old :) 

Liam loves his RyRy

He does soo well with a spoon and fork  now! 

Liam and Chloe this time last year...can you believe how much they've changed!!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Chloe's 5! & started Kindergarten!

I can't believe this time has finally come and my baby girl started Kindergarten!! She started on September 6th and the next day of school she turned 5!!
Really does time have to go by so quickly?!

It feels like she was so little not too long ago and now she is in school, she rides on the school bus every day, comes home writing so much better and reading too! She amazes me each and everyday! I absolutely love waiting at the bus stop each afternoon, watching her get off the bus, run to me and give me the biggest hug and then listen to everything she has to say about her day :) 

Chloe and daddy

Liam and Chloe...he didnt want his sissy to go 

Getting on the school bus! soo happy 

2nd day of school!! Happy 5th Birthday to my baby girl :) 

First Family Camping Trip!

At the end of August, Sean had a week off from when his summer class session ended and the fall semester began so we went away on a family vacation. Just me, Sean, Chloe and Liam! :)
We went to Fish Creek Ponds and went camping. Its upstate near Lake Placid and it was amazing and we had a great time!
We rented a boat and spent a day on the water, had lunch on a deserted island. Another day, shopping and eating in Lake Placid, plus Chloe made a bracelet at a little shop called "Just Bead It" It was soo cool and we are doing it again next year! We even surprised the kids and took them to the North Pole. North Pole, NY was great for them, they really loved it, Chloe got to be apart of the show and meet Santa! It was fun for all of us :)

Sean has gone on vacation here almost every year since he was a kid and this was the first time since we got married that we were able to do the trip. We plan to do this every year! and I can't wait til next year's trip :)

first morning camping..waiting for breakfast
:) Chloe's waiting for breakfast too

having ice cream in Lake Placid
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We pulled the boat up to a deserted island on the lake and had lunch!!
the kids loved it so much and it was absolutely perfect :) 

i love this man <3

momma and Chloe :) fun on the boat!

ice cream truck came around to the campsite

she loves her sleeping bag 
Liam's morning routine was digging thru the rice krispie treats

CHLOE bracelet that we made in Lake Placid with glow-in-the-dark beads!!
Sooo fun, we are making another next year! 

silly boy! 

I want to live here :) 

swimming in the lake 

Chloe and Daddy hanging out by the fire