

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Park fun!

The kids love going to the park and I love taking them! I especially like that we now have all this time together as a family, so Sean can come with!! :) 

There is a park a few minutes down the road from us and I plan to take the kids ALOT now that the weather is beautiful!! 

Here are some pics from our visit the other day! 

Liam on the swing! He likes to just hang out and swing slowly

Daddy and Chloe on the swings 

my pretty lady 

running all over the place

Liam heading for the slide 


Chloe wanted to take a picture with this sign. This picnic area at the park is in memory of Tom Wilwerth. He was a good friend of Sean's and was a groomsmen in our wedding, who was KIA in Iraq back in 2005. Chloe doesn't understand much about the deployments that her daddy and other soldiers have been on but does know that when we say someone is in Iraq or Afghanistan that they are far away, fighting for our country. She had alot of questions about the sign and about Memorial day and why soldiers fight for our country. It was a really nice conversation answering her questions about everything :) She is really is so smart and it amazes me the things that she takes away from our talks.
God Bless all those who serve our country! 

<3 Liz 

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