

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Liam's 1st Haircut!!

Today my baby boy was 12 months and 1 week old and he got his very first haircut!!!! :) 
Sean has been telling me for awhile that we should get it cut, I said not until around his first birthday and only if we take his to this kids salon I've heard of where the kids can sit in these cool seats while getting it cut. So we went Saturday, to Toadly Kool Me Kids Salon. It's on Bragg Blvd for any Fayetteville moms that are interested :) Unfortunately they were too busy so we made an appt to go back Monday! 
* The reason they were too busy is even a great story...they do parties there for the girls to go and get their hair done, nails and toes done! They come out all glitzed and glamored! Such a cute idea! I know Chloe would love something like that! 

Anyway so we went this afternoon and of course Liam fell asleep the moment we pulled in the parking lot. Chloe was even talking to him and telling him to stay awake and wake up because she could see him eyelids closing. He was ok and not whiny or anything but he wasn't his smiley self for such a fun place. 
I took him over to the chair and it was a little airplane! ADORABLE! He sat there really well, moved around a little but for the most part he did great! I was so proud! :) He looks soo cute with his new cut too! Big sissy was proud too! She kept saying "Oh Liam you did such a great job!" :) 


I'd say the first hair cut experience was a success! Liam did great, and momma did too!! ;) 

<3 Liz 

Monday, March 28, 2011


Moving day is getting closer and closer, tomorrow we will be down to 10 days left in North Carolina and tomorrow will also be the last night sleeping in our bed until we are in NY! The movers come on Wednesday!! They will be packing everything up so the past week we have really been doing more than ever. Each day is filled with getting stuff moved around, going through boxes, throwing out ALOT of junk and when I mean ALOT  I really mean ALOT..those poor garbage men tomorrow will be busy in front of our house! LOL We have donated ALOT too and have even sold a few things on craigslist and braggyardsales.com.
Sean and I spent a pretty good amount of time in the garage lately going through all of his Army gear. There is sooo much! So much that is getting turned in but so much that he gets to keep too...I swear there are like 25 sets of ACU's that have NEVER been worn! It's crazy! We dumped everything out on the floor and separated into piles and they were more than piles it was like you had to climb over a couple of mountains to get from one side of the garage to the other! On Wednesday morning he has his appt to turn in everything thats on the list so while he is doing that me and the kids will be watching the movers pack up all of our belongings! 

Today I spent the entire day getting the house ready! I mean we've gone through things for the past 3 months so that our house would be presentable to potential buyers and renters but now that movers are coming its time to cut out ALL the extra junk! Some people would rather move themselves but I am so thankful that we are having movers do it. It has really made us look at everything we have and go through it all piece by piece. I feel like if we moved ourselves not only would it be alot of work with 2 kids and an 11-12+ hour trip with moving trucks, I think we would probably just throw everything in boxes just so it was packed and not actually go through it thoroughly. I spent alot of time in the kids rooms today and picked out what clothes and toys we will be keeping for the next 10 days so that it can be kept separate from everything else. It was so cute watching Chloe decide what toys she wanted to stay and then she would get so sad that other things were getting packed and I had to remind her that it wasn't going to be packed forever and she would get them all back in NY. She was sick last night and for most of the day today so she spent the day on the couch and in the early evening, after dinner she got involved and said to me...."mom you sure did alot of stuff while I was sick on the couch! You did an amazing job!" It was so sweet! 
Made me feel really good that she took notice to how much work at had done because from the time I woke up this morning until about 10 o'clock tonight I have been going going going! Sean finally said ok its soo late, sit down and relax, and even after that I still finished cleaning the kitchen until I was satisfied! 

Tomorrow will be another day like today was, and it will probably be even busier! Sean picked up his clearing papers this morning so he will get to alot of what he has to do tomorrow, and I will do alot more at home. I need to finish doing all the laundry that I have left because the movers are taking the washer and dryer too! This is probably the one this that I am not looking forward to most! But we will deal with it for the 10 days that we have to. 

Even though we've been so busy, I have still been trying to make sure that I am doing something with the kids each day so that they don't feel like they aren't being paid attention to because lets face it with all this craziness there are times when I just need to keep going and can't always do what I'd like to be doing with them. 
The other day we stopped at Walmart and Chloe really wanted pizza for lunch so we grabbed one and got her fav toppings, when we got home she put all the toppings on and it made her day! :) 
walked in from topping off the pizza and little man was caught putting his foot on the table! 

my girl LOVES her black olives!! 

while mommy empties out the drawers, Liam decides to fill them back up with himself ;)
I could not keep him out!! LOL

<3 Liz

Liam's Ear Update

Not to long ago I shared everything that was going on with my baby Liam's ear. 
He had his hearing test and visit with the Audiologist and ENT early in February and this past Thursday we went in again for follow up check with both doctors. The results this time we're not happy to hear...his hearing test showed significant hearing loss since the test he had in February :(
Chloe, Liam and I were at Womack by 8am that morning and after the hearing test the audiologist told me that the ENT would most likely advise us to have tubes placed in his ears. I talked with Sean in between the appointments and hoped that he would be able to meet us for the ENT appointment but if not we wanted to make a decision about the tubes. We decided that we wanted him to have the tubes if that's what the doctor wanted to do.  And then Sean met me at that ENT office and the surgeon strongly suggested that Liam have it done. So my poor little guy will be having surgery :/ He will have tubes put in his ear and we are told that it should help his hearing alot and soon after we will notice a great difference! I am not looking forward to my baby having surgery, especially so young but I am thankful that because of an accident of him getting poked in the ear by his sister, we were able to find out about this problem sooner rather than later and are than able to fix it before it delays his development. As of right now his pediatrician says he is advanced for his development and speech so I am very thankful that this hasn't put him behind. But we do notice when we talk to him that often he doesn't respond until you talk louder. Soon my baby will be able to hear properly and I can't wait to see how much it helps him :) 

Because Sean is getting out of the Army soon and we are moving the 9th of April, the surgeon was able to get us a date for the surgery very soon. We have an appointment for the 5th to get all the instructions on what to do and ask any questions, the surgery is the following day and we will learn the time of the surgery at the appt too. Wish us luck and Liam luck and please keep him in your prayers! 
I am a nervous momma! Worried about my baby even though I know and keep telling myself that its a routine thing, won't take the surgeon long and it happens to alot of kids but he's my little baby..

my baby boy...his "mom I  need a nap sleepy face!"
