

Thursday, January 27, 2011

de-cluttering the house

The majority of the house has been de-cluttered!! The kids rooms are amazing! and the rest of the house will be the same way tomorrow :) I am so proud of myself for keeping on top of the house just incase someone schedules an appt with the real estate agent to check out the house it can be a quick cleanup and out the door! Tomorrow I will finish our bedroom and tidy up the living/dining room and kitchen. Sean and I will have to attack the garage over the weekend. It gets great and then something happens and he needs stuff and its like a tornado hit! The yard needs to get cleaned up too so hopefully that will happen over the weekend with the forecast being upper 50's all weekend :) 

Here's a few pics of the house clean :)

I cant wait til we move so his room can be decorated and not so bare!

I am so proud of Chloe for helping to keep her room so clean!

master bathroom 

 & ending with a picture of my cute kids in their pj's...
playing together this morning :) i love them <3

this was a short one but I'm keeping up with it :) so until next time...

<3 Liz

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

back again...weekend where are you?!

Well last week when I finally updated I told myself I was going to stay on top of this and do ya think I did... nope :/ Life just always gets in the way but I am loving life lately. It's busy but good. My bestest friend has been in town the past few weeks and I get her for just another week so I am having fun hanging out with her and the whole family! It's especially nice to get to spend time with my ADORABLE godson :) Last time they were here it was for a week and he didn't know me too well because he didn't remember me and I just had Liam so I had my hands full to say the least. I love that now he will come to me, sit on my lap, give hugs and kisses and seeing him and Chloe beg me to tickle them is sooo funny :) & its cute to hear him call me aunt Izzy LOL soooo cute!! 

this past week we've been to Monkey Joes...not once but TWICE! Also have been to the Children's museum which Chloe LOVES. Ever since Saturday she keeps asking if we are going again..

Sean had to go to the field this week which is crazy because he hasn't been in a lonng time and is getting out super soon but its been better then we expected. He left early Saturday morning but because its sooo cold he's been able to sleep at home and some night he's even gotten home early and the kids get to see him before they go to bed. Tomorrow is the last day and then we get normal days and the weekend again! 
Which I am really looking forward to because we love our weekends and we both need Saturday to sleep in a little. I am getting so tired of these early 6 am mornings! I'm up by 6am monday thru friday and sundays we are up for church around 7am. Saturday is our only day where we can try to catch up on some sleep if the kids sleep in too...which usually happens more during the week and we have to wake them up on Sundays...go figure! lol 

We started going to Sunday church service at a chapel on base about a month ago. I like going and have wanted us to go as a family for quite some time now but never found a place around here that I felt comfortable going like I did at my church back in PA. I still don't feel super comfortable, which I think has alot to do with the fact that we are going to a very traditional service which I am not use to but I'm starting to get more comfortable with it and Chloe loves going too. Her wanting to go makes me happy because she is getting to the age that I was when I knew what I believed in and accepted it and I want her to develop her own beliefs on religion and be able to learn from someone other than me. We are going to have Liam baptized during the service in a few weeks. The same pastor that baptized Chloe will be baptizing Liam :)
This past Sunday I was able to meet a few of the people that go every Sunday and talk with them after the services which was really nice and Chloe liked playing with the other kids. There are two 2-year old little girls that she was playing with this past Sunday and she keeps saying mommy I hope they are there again next week! 

Well time for this momma to get some sleep... here I go telling myself I will be back tomorrow.. so wish me luck and hope that tomorrow doesn't get too much in the way of my blogging LOL 
Happy Wednesday! Yay for being closer to the weekend :)