

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Last week in NC-Part 1

Besides having dinner with friends we've been doing other things during our last week in NC. 
On Sunday after we got home from church I had to go to Walmart to pick up a few things so while Sean worked on some homework and Liam napped Chloe and I made a trip to the park! She had so much fun playing with the other kids, taking a walk and going on the swings with momma! Although she did not like when another mom said, "look there is another baby girl playing here", Chloe responded with hands on the hips, "I am NOT a baby!" It was funny how the family responded, they laughed with her and the dad said thats right your a big girl, and Chloe was satisfied. 
During our walk we saw some Dogwood trees in the park, and I love them. One thing I will really miss in NC, is going to the dogwood festival every year. 

Beautiful Dogwood's 
After our trip to the park we went to Walmart and I surprised Chloe with a stop to get pedicures :) YAY! I've wanted and maybe even needed one so it was time and I have been taking miss Chloe with me since she was only 3 months old so she enjoys them just as much as I do :) She used to sit in my lap and just dip her toes in now she lets them paint her toes and she sits next to me in her own seat! :) I love time like this with my little miss <3
My little miss <3

On Monday we made plans to go to the park, this time with Liam of course. We had a picnic down by the swings and had alot of fun, but it was a really hot day so we only stayed an hour. A friend was supposed to meet us but unfortunately did not come until after we had already left....I was very disappointed but there's not much really that needs to be said...
Chloe and Liam enjoying their picnic
After the park I got the kids back home and it was nap time. They napped and daddy was home so I went to my dr appt that I had been putting off for a week. I have been having trouble hearing and had to have my right ear flushed...OUCH! Also was told I may need surgery just like my little man. I need to find an ENT and Audiologist when we get to NY. 
Tuesday we had Liam's appt to find out about the surgery. We spent a good amount of time at Womack and were starving so we made a trip to Jason's deli for a late lunch! 

cute little man drinking his first milk box

then enjoying his first ice cream cone :) 


Dinner Fun!

We are so lucky to have some great friends here in North Carolina! For 4 nights straight we didn't have to worry about dinner because our friends invited us over to their place :) 

Saturday we spent time with Heather, Rob, Robert and Audrey! We sure are going to miss them a ton! We have spent the most time with them in the past 1 1/2- 2years and we have really enjoyed all the time we've spent together. We are really looking forward to making plans and having visits with each other! 

Sunday we had dinner at Chris and Alina's. It was nice to see them because it has been awhile since we got to spend alot of time with each other. Chris and Sean are friends from back in NY so we know that we will be seeing them again! 

Monday, our neighbor and friend, Amanda had us over! her and her cute twins, Alaina and Alanna! It has been such a blessing to have such a good friend and neighbor. We have helped each other alot in the past 3+ years. Watching over each others house and dogs while we've gone out of town and everything. Its nice to have someone right across the street to hang out with and know that you can count on if you need something and nice to be able to lookout for each other. We sure will miss them!! 

Tuesday went over to Ginger's house, and got to spend time with her and her beautiful children, Lillian and Thomas! We have only known them for a short time, but it feels like much longer! And I am so glad that we have become a part of each other's life and have had this time to spend with one another! We've had lots of playdates and fun times and chats at dance class! We really will miss them but I am so thankful for all of the ways to keep in touch and hope that some day we get to see them again! 
Here are some pictures from our time at their house

the boys! 

they both love playing with the balls

Thomas got it! 

Liam and Thomas

Pretty little ladies :)


Lillian and Chloe


Time for some fun!

After a busy week of packing and moving and the kids being stuck in the house for a majority of the week it was time for some fun! So we met our friends Ginger, Lillian and Thomas at Chuck E Cheese!

We had a blast!! and it is always so nice when we get to spend time with them :)
Here are some pictures from fun!! All of the kids liked the carousel! Especially our little men



Thomas and Ginger


Liam and Thomas climbing

happy man! 

Liam riding in the BIG Truck! he really likes trucks now

After Chuck E Cheese we went home for nap/quiet time! 
I was supposed to have a Thirty-One party but it fell through because the hostesses friends canceled on her :( I felt bad, its not fun when friends bail!
So since I wasn't going to be gone for the night we decided to get the kids out of the house and go to dinner at Jason's Deli...we LOVE that place! :) and probably go there too often but its sooo good! Then we went home and had our usual Netflix night! 
While we watched movies I worked on a diaper cake that I was making for a friends baby shower the next day! 
It turned out super cute!! I was so pleased, especially since all of my usual craft things I have handy were all gone when they got packed up. We went to the shower the next day, Sean came too and hung out with the guys. It was nice to be able to see Julie and Erin and their families and friends. We know them from Sean's old unit. When Sean got back from his first deployment to Afghanistan, their husbands were new guys to the unit. Julie and her husband are having their first baby, a boy! And Erin and her husband are having their second baby, a girl! It is very exciting and we are happy for both families and wish them the best! 



Well our movers came last week on Wednesday and Thursday. It was a crazy week to say that least! On Wednesday from 10-4 they were here packing everything in boxes! It was crazy, I couldn't believe how many boxes ended up filling our house. Then on Wednesday around 9:30 the movers came with the BIG truck and started to load everything into it! Our house went from being completely filled to completely empty! The kids have been having alot of fun in the empty house, although for the most part we spend most of the time we are home in our master bedroom.

master bedroom boxes
Chloe wore her Yankees hat for opening day

Big moving truck...after 6 hours..almost done! 

kids enjoying the emptiness and the air mattress

Chloe and daddy watching the TV on the floor

Chloe has had more of a difficult time with the move than we expected. On Thursday after the movers left we went to the Doctor's to play. I have known Joanne since I first moved here in 2005, our husbands deployed together a few times. During the first deployment together in 2005, Joanne's daughter Gabrielle was born, then when they deployed in 2006, Chloe was born, both Joanne and her 1 year old Gabrielle were in the delivery room when Chloe arrived :) Since then Chloe and Gabrielle have had fun playing together, and Gabrielle's younger sister Natalie has joined in on their fun now too!! They all wanted to dress up! They sure make beautiful princesses! :)
Natalie, Gabrielle & Chloe
We will really miss them, I know that Chloe will miss all of her friends here in NC but this was the first time that I knew how much it was really affecting her. She broke down and threw a fit when we had to say goodbye, screaming, I will never see my friends again. It broke my heart! She doesn't do those kinds of things especially this extreme. I am so thankful that we were able to have that time to see them but it was so hard taking her home. Since then we have tried our best to point out all of the positive things about our move in order to lift her spirits. And make sure that we are saying "see you laters" not "goodbyes"

When we got home the kids played on the air mattress with daddy, because before it was even bedtime the mattress deflated! I'm not surprised seeing as we have had it for quite some time now. I bought it when I was pregnant with Chloe so its been used quite a bit. Liam and Chloe love to "attack" daddy! It was so funny watching them play together and have so much fun on a deflated air mattress

 All the moving and fun wore us out and of course since we now had a deflated bed, we slept on the floor! Def not fun! So the next day I went to Target and got us a new one :)

<3 Liz