

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ash Wednesday

Well since today is the start of Lent I thought it was appropriate to blog about what my family and I have chosen to go without for Lent. Sean and I we're talking about Lent at dinner last night and Chloe wanted to know what was going on and wanted to understand what we we're talking about so we explained everything to her and she said she would like to give up something for Lent too!

Day 3 Chloe Quote: " Mommy I am definitely going to give up cookies and candy for Lent, I promise I can do it! Now we need to hide the cookies with the candy"

I was surprised but happy that she was willing to sacrifice something that she really enjoys. 
Sean and I have decided to go without ALL Fast food and I am also going to go without soda. Chloe has decided to go without cookies and candy. I am very proud of her for choosing to do this all on her own. She now thinks that the Easter bunny should be extra good to her this year with some extra candy in her basket LOL and we said we will just have to see what happens on Easter morning :)  

I can't believe that this Easter will be the first holiday that our family will celebrate together, out of the Army and living in NY. And its only 30 days until our big move!! Can you believe it!? I sure can't! The time is flying by!!!

until next time :) ...which if ya haven't noticed will probably be sooner than later...I've been getting alot better at keeping up with my blog now! and I owe it to all my friends, readers and fellow bloggers :) knowing that you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy blogging helps me keep up with it 

<3 Liz

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